welcome to whatever this is going to be.

All About Me!
I’m turning 40 this year (old emoji), I’m married to a beautiful lady-wife, and I’m a girl-dad to three amazing daughters, two cats and one dog.
My wife and I work pretty long hours, we’re not a high income family and we don’t have a lot of spare money (owning three kids and three animals probably doesn’t help us financially).
I have no real experience of being a car fixer-er apart from what I’ve had to learn and teach myself. This is both reality and a necessity due to not being able to afford big repair bills at a garage. We don’t have a drive or a garage to park our car so all the repair work and maintenance is carried out in the carpark outside of our house. A garage is the dream but a carpark is better than the side of the road so we’ll class that as a win!

I’m not alone in this though, I have my middle daughter, my best friend P and a couple of other friends along the way. Each one will get their own introduction in future blogs.
What am I Doing Here?
That’s a good question and the answer is… I’m not 100% sure to be honest with you.
I do know that I’m going to use this space to log, as best as I can, all the things I do to my Mark 5 Golf (full car details in a future blog). I’ll be as honest as possible with my progress and my fuck-ups along the way and hopefully somebody from the future, (hello future person/people), will be reading this and will be able to take something positive away from it.
I’m going to aim to take as many photos and videos as possible and give as much detail as I can on all the work I carry out. Some posts will be long, others might be short, some may even sway away from car building and fixing but all my posts will relate to cars in one way or another.
In summary, I’m going to tell a really long story and try and make it as honest and as fun as possible.
Obi x